The most important “core” muscles are the ones that inform our Core Values.

I was fortunate enough to take an amazing Core Values, Goals, and Vision workshop with fellow Mindbody Champs last week, facilitated by Jacki Carr. ( I’m a self-proclaimed Core Values junkie. The workshop was amazing and left me jazzed to dig deeper.

As a yoga studio owner, Core Values are essential to my success and vision. Our five core values are front and center on the main wall of our practice room and on the “About” page of our website.






As part of our Yoga Teacher Training program, I love sharing the power and purpose behind core values with these new teachers as they begin to envision their next steps.

What are Core Values? 

To me, Core Values are the guiding principles from which everything else in the business grows. They are our root beliefs that we operate from, make decisions from, and they constantly remind us who we are.

How do you identify your Core Values?

In our training, I give our students a list of 120 Core Value words. I give them two minutes to circle 25 words that jump out at them. Then, they have one minute to cross out ten of those words. This leaves them with fifteen. Again, we set the timer for a minute to settle on five words they cannot live without. It’s challenging but also exciting. Finally, we add an action word like “fuel, spread, manifest, grow, lead with, etc.” in front of their words, and then they all share with the group. This gives the words direction, power and energy.

You've determines your Core Values, now what? Once you determine your Core Values, what do you do with them?

Here are 9 ways to put your Core Values into action:

1. Put them somewhere you will see them daily. If they are your business values, post them on the wall. If they are your personal values, put them on stickies on your bathroom mirror or on a sheet above your desk. 

2. Hire and fire by them. Use your values when you make these most important decisions for your business. 

3. Refer to them when you are making a big decision. Be certain that the answer is in alignment with your values. I refer to mine often when I am having a hard time making a decision. If I am honest with whether they actually support and align with my core values, the decision typically becomes clear. 

4. Create small note cards that highlight each of your core values. Use these as your comment cards for your clients and employees. This way, when you give or get feedback, it is specific to your core values and reminds everyone that these are at the center of everything you do. 

5. Pick a staff member every other month who is responsible for reminding your community in creative ways what each of our Core Values are. For example, if a teacher is in charge of the value “Fuel Happiness” in January, they may bring smiley face stickers to class and hand them out to all the students. Or, create a playlist with the “happiness” theme to share. Give staff a small budget to purchase any little tokens to support these values. 

6. Share your values often on social media. We created five small graphics using Canva ( We simply schedule them out to be re-shared the second week of every month on our social media channels. 

7. Print small stickers with each value and gift them out when you see a staff member or student who may really embody that value. Perhaps even see who can collect them all. Everyone loves cute stickers for their water bottles!

8. Create a workshop or special event that highlights and supports a specific core value.

9. Include your core values at the bottom of all your email newsletters and maybe even in the signature line of your actual emails!

Remember, Core Values may shift and change over time. That’s OK. I encourage you to do a little reassessment on your goals each year. Do they need to be tweaked or changed? 

Over time, you will find the core values that are indeed essential for you and your business. They will begin to feel like an extension of your business and a true rudder to give you guidance in rough seas. 


Quick tip: get better email engagement


“Why’d you come to yoga today?” effective social proof!